Part 4: Strategy or How the heck do I get to Financial Freedom?

4.6 Put your Financial House in Order

Without a concrete Financial Plan reaching your financial goals is just a hope. Are you saving and investing enough? Do you have all your finances in one place to take better decisions? This is an essential first step in planning.
Strategy has to be simple and common-sensical for it to be implemented well. And this is true for Investing and reaching our goals. Except guys in finance are poor marketers; they call it Financial Planning. And then they make it sound as if it will take serious expertise and forever to create one. The branding and marketing of Financial Planning is so mediocre that virtually no one does it.  But it is the most important step in reaching Financial Freedom and Nirvana, so my advice to you is f…. just do it. 
Most people think is very difficult to make their financial plan. The difficult parts are what we have covered in the previous chapters, knowing what you need and want. Once you have that, what you need is access to a good tool to make it happens. And literally over a cup of tea, maybe two, you can make a great first financial plan which will tell you a hell of a lot of things of how to reach your goals safely and surely. At least the one that is available on will.
The next few chapters will be really a life-changer for you if you just do it. So, I am telling you upfront, go and subscribe to whatever plan allows you access to this amazing tool that we have built. Access to the entire Financial Planning Tool and not just the free features.
Now, for some of you, having to pay any money might lead to postponing doing this essential step. This happens to many of us, we want to go safe - what if it is not worth it, maybe I can find a free tool then I will feel bad or foolish about having paid for something which is available for free. Don’t let such thoughts disrupt the confidence and faith you are building here. 
While you create your Financial Plan on MoneyWorks4Me and read this chapter you will get clarity and conviction in how you are going to achieve your goals and the important decisions on how you should be investing to make it all happen. In short, your Investing...........Read More

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